RSVP - Oregon Community CALM
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
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Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
If there are not currently any open community trainings, you can RSVP here to be notified of future trainings.
Oregon Community CALM - Conversations on Lethal Means - is a 2-hour workshop designed to help family, friends, and community members have life-saving conversations with individuals who may be thinking of suicide or during times of crisis.
Anyone 18 years or older can learn these community helper skills that have an added focus on reducing access to lethal means, especially firearms and medications; however, Oregon Community CALM is neither anti-gun nor anti-medication. This training is based on the provider-focused Oregon CALM training and research with Oregonians who own firearms.
What you'll learn:
- When to act to support loved ones
- Creative solutions for reducing access to lethal means
- Oregon-specific research and community considerations
- How to raise the topic of suicide and lethal means
- How to assist and connect individuals to support
Oregon Community CALM has been adapted with permission from CALM America by the Oregon Health Authority, Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs, and Incite Agency for Change. This training is supported by funds made available from the CDC through cooperative agreement CE20-2204, Grant # NU50CE002599.